Friday, October 29, 2010

Great. Just Great.

You guys all voted for humor, which is basically the one thing I don't really write.  But I'll try anyway.

This was from an excerise that I did in the class referenced here.

There was an envelop of cards with professions, and an envelope of cards with an action.

My results:

"Guy that writes blurbs on goldfish bags"


"defends his/herself with a toilet scrubber"



Hank pressed his back to the bathroom wall as he heard Kermit and Randolph stomp up the stairs.

“Alright, Mr. Wise Guy,” Kermit called, “you just come on out of that bathroom and we’ll have a talk. I’ve got my evidence right here.”

For maybe the fortieth time that month, Hank regretted writing that new blurb on the side of the goldfish cracker boxes. He cursed himself once again for dooming himself by using those two names, Kermit and Randolph, as names of happy goldfish. He never wanted to invoke the wrath of two hit men in the area who also happened to have those names. It was just a coincidence, he wanted to yell, but that would have meant using his vocal chords, which seemed to be failing him. He heard Kermit and Randolph draw closer, and he looked frantically around the bathroom for something to use to defend himself.


Too small.


Stuck to the wall.

Medicine bottle?

Too light.

Toilet scrubber?

Toilet scrubber...


With a wild yell, Hank burst out of the bathroom, surprising the two ski mask clad hit men into dropping their bags of goldfish. He clobbered them over the head with his toilet brush, sending them both flailing to the floor, where they also dropped their guns. Hank kicked the weapons into the corner and made a quick 911 call while still battering Kermit and Randolph with the toilet scrubber.


By the time the police showed up, Kermit and Randolph were begging for mercy from Hank and his scrubber of doom. The two criminals were escorted out of Hank’s apartment to the waiting squad cars and Hank’s boss, who had heard that his best blurb writer had been attacked, jogged up the stairs to meet Hank.

“What happened here?” He asked. “Are you alright? When can I expect you back at work?”

“I’m not going back to work,” Hank told him. “I quit, unless you give me my own bodyguard. This is a very dangerous profession.”

M.K. Wissler

Monday, October 25, 2010

I'm Thinking...

That I'll be posting some more morsels of stories.  That would be fun, wouldn't it?  Now I just have to decide what to post...

I want to post the short story that I referenced here in a previous post.  The story is set to "Howl" which is track number four.  I'm not sure if I have the rights to post it.


Someone please inform me.  I think it's okay, but I would like to know for sure.


M.K. Wissler

Thursday, October 21, 2010

You thought I was Going to Forget, Didn't You!

Well I didn't!

Here we are with another banner, this one for a short story I wrote for an American Literature class on differnet sorts of Religion:

Alexander is going quite smoothly, but right now I'm formatting my NaNoWriMo from last year.  I write quite awkwardly, as you probably saw in the bait.  I don't know how long it will take to finish, but if the timeline so far is any indication, probably one month.

Alex's story is almost at that point where I can transition from Capriellen being small to possibly developing into a character of her own.


M.K. Wissler

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So, since no one is commenting, I shall bait you...

With a short bit from Alex's story!


So, here you are...

This is Misty Kilgore discussing Alex with her coworkers.  Enjoy!


“If you really want to find someone, what do you do?” Misty prompted.

“Check the database.” Volans supplied. Misty shook her head.

“No. No, you need to stop thinking like a HEART agent and start thinking like a normal civilian.”

“Google.” Agent Towers corrected.

“Sure thing. I found, on the website of The Institute of Mental Health, a little line that says that one Alexander Cathal is currently working the front desk.”

"Alex? Our Alex at the front desk of a crazy-house?” Agent Towers suddenly roared with laughter, causing more than a few of the assembled to jump in their chairs. “I’m sorry, it’s’re sure?”

“I double checked. It’s our own scarred, angry Alexander.”

“We told him to get a job at the Kreon Cineplex.” Volans said angrily. “I know I was the one who told him, but even if he had a problem with me personally, it shouldn’t have translated to directly disobeying orders.”

“He might not be directly disobeying orders.” Agent Towers suggested. “Maybe he’s trying to tell us something.”

“Like what?” Volans was skeptical.

“Oh, come on, Volans. Guy’s working at the Institute of Mental Health. The crazy-house of the entire Eldeenecaps region. What kind of message does that send?”

“He’s lost his marbles?” Mr. Ross proposed.

“Or Loulabelle has a mental problem.” Agent Towers added. Mr. Ross didn’t agree.

“If something was wrong with her, he would put it on the forms.”

“Or something else is wrong. Maybe he hasn’t made contact with Agent Icyk.”

“We told him to initiate communications. Is there a possibility he can’t find him?”

“I have another theory.” Misty announced over the melee.

“What might that be?”

“I want you to think back to the night of the memory-extraction, Mr. Ross.” She said softly.

“What about it?”

“Where was the practitioner?”

“Well, he was unavailable. His assistant performed the procedure.” Mr. Ross reminded her.

“I want you to imagine that something went horribly wrong.”


“I want you to imagine that instead of only several selective months of his memory gone, he lost large blocks. Undocumented three month chunks. Years, maybe.”

“No.” Mr. Ross denied her ideas outright. “No, that isn’t possible.”

Misty pressed on.

“Imagine that Alex is missing years...say, five to seven years. He wouldn’t know anything about Loulabelle, or Kathleen, or HEART. He would have woken up on that train without a clue.”

“With a military mindset.” Agent Towers added.

“And no idea as to who Loulabelle was or what he was supposed to do with her.” Misty confirmed. Volans rolled his eyes.

“We’re getting the child documentations, remember?” He shook his head. “Really, Misty.”

“They aren’t real.”



M.K. Wissler

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Banner Thursday! Again!

I'm pretty sure you can tell that I'm in school now.  My James Bond dance has a full day rehearsal tomorow.  Play rehearsal started.  I'm Juror Five in Twelve Angry Women.

Here's your banner!

It's the banner for Alex and his baby.  Comments appreciated.


]M.K. Wissler

Friday, October 1, 2010


Yesterday was Banner Thursday, wasn't it.

Oh well.

Next week.

In other news, I have now almost 35,000 words on the Alex story and my NaNoWriMo is bouncing on its diving board.

Visit me here at NaNoWriMo!

I need some suggestions on the Alex story.  Capriellen just tore someone's throat out, but now the employees need to explain that to themselves.

Much thanks.


M.K. Wissler